First off, this post is coming via my iPad, so please excuse any craziness you may encounter while reading! As much as I adore it, the iPad is no substitute for my trusty MacBook! But I am without it for the week, so work with me here ;)
I am finally coming off my skiers' high to write about our recent family vacation to one of our favorite places - Telluride, Colorado. I am sure there are other resorts that rival it, but I just cannot imagine! It is a haul to get there, but so very worth it. Beautiful mountain scenery blends with no lift lines and long, uncrowded runs to make a fantastic ski experience! Once we ski our first few runs, we quickly forget that it took two plane rides and a 2.5 hour drive to arrive at the resort!
This year's trip was super special because we met up with our best family out there and even brought the kids along to ski this year. We love spending time with the P family and are so thankful that we were able to arrange the trip together! My girls were in absolute heaven to have five days with their best friends from back home, M & E! They were a sight for sore eyes!
I knew the time would come when my kids were better skiers that me and it happened while on this trip. Especially, A - that girl has absolutely no fear, unlike myself who can't help worry about how our family would survive if I broke a limb! Since she doesn't let fear interfere with a good time, she just goes and goes! M enjoyed herself and skis well, too. However, there were a few mornings spent coaxing her into ski school and she was the first one to break out of her skis and boots at the end of the day. She told us that she would prefer a beach vacation next time! Regardless, all four girls had a good time, as well as us parents. After a full day of skiing, the evenings were spent relaxing our sore bodies in the hot tub while the kids found a second wind and would swim in the heated, outdoor pool. I am pretty sure they all slept harder than ever over those days - E would practically beg to go to sleep she was so darn tired!
It was a great five days and we were all super sad to see our ski trip and time with the P family come to a close. I think I saw more sunshine over those 5 days than I have seen in the past two months here in PA! Now, I am ready for something tropical and warm - I have had my feel of cold weather for quite a while!
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