Monday, June 10, 2013

You Can Always Go Home

The fact that I haven't updated the blog since April is a little embarrassing, granted I am pretty sure no one missed me!   Being in PA by myself with the girls and preparing us for our big move back home has kept me pretty busy.    During the middle of this time where Hubby has been in Atlanta and us girls have been living here in PA,  it seemed like it was taking forever to get to our "move" day.   However, our final few days in PA are upon us and I would be remiss if I didn't say I am sad to leave this beautiful state.   

I am an extremely blessed woman - I have the most loving, giving, accepting family and set of friends imaginable.   So, I have not spent one day feeling sorry for myself or unappreciative of what God has given us.    This experience has led us down one crazy path that has opened doors for Hubby and put friends in our path that would not have come otherwise.   Some people go on shows like Survivor or the Amazing Race to test themselves.  We Deaks just like to move to a place on faith that is so far away from our "normal" only to leave and return home again 11 months later.   However, as a wise friend often reminds me of what her Daddy says "You can always go home".  And as another friends tell me "You are not the first and will not be the last to do this, so get over yourself!"  God bless those friends - they are so right!!!!!

So, our time in PA is almost up and I know I will not get around to saying goodbye to the many great people I have met while living here.   From my amazing neighbors, the strong "gym" girls, and the great mothers whose babies attend school with my girls, I have met some fantastic people!   I will not get the chance to hug the necks of those people one last time, so to you all I just say our door is always open in GA if you ever find yourself in Hotlanta.  
